/boot/linux - Making Your Installation Media
Andey Hemanth, Vinaayak G DasikaDownloading your preferred distro Once you have decided on your distro, it is time to download it and create your installation media. All Operating Systems are usually packaged in an ISO file. ISO...
read article/boot/linux - Backing Things Up Before Getting Started
Andey Hemanth, Mebin Thattil, Vinaayak G DasikaIn case you are planning to dual-boot your Windows installation with Linux, an important step would be to back up your data in case of any errors that can cause data-loss. Disclaimer: Make sure not...
read article/boot/linux - Linkstash 🔗
Andey Hemanth, Mebin Thattil, Avrit Sharma, Vinaayak G DasikaLinkstash Here are some of the resources to read and try out! 0. linkstash 1. take a backup 2. installing ventoy Updates will follow, bookmark this page or keep up with the WhatsApp...
read articleAsahi Linux - Linux On Apple Silicon
Anurag RaoThis article is a mirror of my blog at my personal site What's Apple Silicon You probably already know this, Apple Silicon is the new family of SoC chips made by Apple to power their laptop, desktop...
read articleWhat Linux Distro To Choose? | A Beginner's Guide
Anurag RaoIntroduction If you are manifesting joining the Linux clan and thinking about it, it’s time. It’s time to ditch Windows for good and save some money by doing so. Also, keep your sanity from monthly...
read articlesystemctl start linux
The Mentors of Hackerspace PESUECCREADME! Welcome to systemctl start linux! This is our very first workshop on the wonderful, enchanting world of Linux, and we're here to hold your hand through the process of exploring this world...
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